Allergen management is a well-known issue in many food businesses.
NARA® is the first allergen-free monitor spray developed specifically for this use in food service, commercial, domestic and medical industries.
NARA spray is used as an attractant to help with the monitoring and control of pest rodents, rats and mice. The spray can be used in multiple ways:
- As an attractant to draw target species towards trap sensing devices.
- As an attractant to draw target species into bait and snap trap stations.
Legislation and various food standards now prohibit the use of anticoagulant poisons for rodent monitoring purposes. Only when rodent activity is detected may anticoagulant baits be used - and only under strict conditions.
NARA™ Spray Lures are more effective as the variable scents are extremely attractive for mice and rats. The rodents follow the aroma in search of food.
NARA™ spray lure attractant is available is various flavours - noted rats are often territorial in their food preferences. Check the surrounding areas for other obvious food sources and 'eliminate those' before laying traps and lures. Try to emulate the existing food sources when choosing lures or baits (flavours or bait blocks) for your monitoring and trapping devices.